Research & Publications
(Public Scholarship listed under Media page)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
From Kosovo to Darfur: The Regional Biases within Humanitarian Military Interventionism. Forthcoming. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.
Dying by the Sword: The Militarization of US Foreign Policy (2023). With Monica Duffy Toft. NY: Oxford University Press. [Reviewed in Foreign Affairs, August 2023]
On Foreign Affairs & War on the Rocks Best Books of 2023 Lists
2024 Arthur Ross Book Award Shortlist
“The Roots of Washington’s Addiction to Military Force,” Foreign Affairs (Jan. 2023). With M. Duffy Toft.
“Another Civil War? The Influence of Conflict Perceptions on Humanitarian Military Intervention in Kosovo and Beyond,” World Affairs (2023), 186(2), 284–322.
“Introducing the Military Intervention Project Dataset on US Military Interventions, 1776–2019,” Journal of Conflict Resolution (2023), 67(4), 752–779. With M. Duffy Toft.
“Issue Framing within the Climate Debate: An Analysis of US Environmental Policy Outcomes,” International Social Science Journal (2023), 67(4), 752–779. With A. Badruzzaman and S. Marion.
“Selective Humanitarians: How Region & Perception Drive Military Interventions in Domestic Crises,” International Relations (2022).
“Gendered Costs of Austerity: Effects of Welfare Regime & Government Policies on Employment across OECD, 2000-2013,” International Labour Review (2018), 4. With I. McManus.
“Gender, Crisis, and the Welfare State: Female Labor Market Outcomes across OECD Countries,” Comparative European Politics (2018), 16(3), 434-463. With I. McManus.
“Contending Image Framings of Equality, Nationalism, and Religion in Turkey’s Headscarf Debate: A Mixed Methods Approach,” Mediterranean Quarterly (2017), 28(3), 27-55. With Badruzzaman et al.
“Reviving the Russian Empire: The Crimean Intervention through a Neoclassical Realist Lens,” European Security (2016), 25(1), 112-133. With Becker et al.
“Combating a Shared Security Threat through Unified Narratives: Politicized Terrorism in the Western Balkans,” Global Outlook (2016), 1(1), 135-144.
“Breaking Science Stereotypes: Examining the Effects of Party Politics on Federal R&D Funding,” Journal of Science Policy & Governance (August 2015), 7(1).
Book Chapters
“Exploring socio-economic gender gaps between and within Kosovo and Albania” in Kosovo and Albania: A Special Relationship, Routledge (2025).
“Understanding Equity in Numbers: Using Research Methods to Teach Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” in Teaching Social Equity in Public Administration: A Cross-Curricular Guide For Faculty and Programs, Routledge (2024). With S. Meyer and M. Tarsi.
“Gender, Austerity, and Retrenchment.” in Handbook on Austerity, Retrenchment and the Welfare State, by Bent Greve. Edward Elgar Publishing (2021). With I. McManus.
“Social policies don’t always help women and men equally. Which ones work best?” in Current Debates in Comparative Politics, edited by Dickovick and Eastwood (2nd ed). Oxford University Press (December 2017). With I. McManus.
“Unipolarity and the Accelerating Pace of US Military Intervention, 1945-2019.” With N. Hagerdal and M. Toft. Conditional Acceptance at International Affairs.
“Another Ethnic War: The Impact of Civil War Labels on Third-Party Humanitarian Interventions.” Under Review.
The Military Intervention Project (MIP)
A comprehensive dataset with associated case studies of all US military interventions from 1776 to 2019, including 200+ related variables on the consequences and drivers of intervention.
See more via the Center for Strategic Studies (CSS) at The Fletcher School.
Conference Papers, Panels, & Presentations
Panel organizer and panelist, “Unipolarity and the Accelerating Pace of US Military Intervention,” Sept. 2024, APSA, Phil, PA.
Panelist & Discussant, “Peacekeeping & Humanitarian Interventions,” Sept. 2023, APSA, LA, CA.
“Free Speech & Pedagogy,” CARS May Celebration panelist, Bridgewater State University, 2023.
Understanding Equity in Numbers: Using Research Methods to Teach Social Equity,” SeQUEL Numbers for Diversity Conference (virtual), Mar. 25th (with Meyer and Tarsi), 2023.
“Weary of Ethnic Wars? The Impact of Civil War Labels on Humanitarian Interventions,” March 2023. International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal, CAN.
Invited Chair of Panel on “National Security Strategy,” German American Conference, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA, October 29, 2022.
Video Panelist for The Quincy Institute (w/ Mearsheimer and Toft), “The Sugar High of Unipolarity,” September 6, 2022.
“Another Ethnic War: The Impact of Civil War Labels on Third-Party Humanitarian Interventions,” September 2022. American Political Science Association (APSA), Montreal, CAN.
Organizer and Participant in Roundtable, “Measuring Military Interventions: Discussing New and Existing Data Sources,” March 2022. International Studies Association (ISA), Nashville, TN.
Organizer and Paper Panelist, “Unipolarity and U.S. Military Interventions,” March 2022. International Studies Association (ISA), Nashville, TN (with N. Hagerdal).
Roundtable Participant, “Authoritarianism in the 21st Century,” Bridgewater State University, Democratic Government and Leadership Program, April 2022.
Panel Organizer, Moderator, and Panelist, Set of Panels on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Bridgewater State University and Open to Public, March 16 and April 13, 2022
“Another Civil War? The Influence of Conflict Perceptions on Humanitarian Military Intervention in Kosovo and Beyond,” July 2021. International Political Science Association (IPSA) (Virtual).
“Selective Humanitarians: Regional Perceptions as Drivers of Military Intervention,” April 2021. International Studies Association (ISA) (Virtual).
Panel Organizer, “The Causes and Consequences of Military Intervention,”(International Security), April 2021. International Studies Association (ISA) (Virtual).
“The Power Of Perception: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Explaining the Kosovo Intervention,” September 2020. American Political Science Association (APSA) (Virtual).
Military Intervention Conference, Center for Strategic Studies, Fletcher School, 2019. Organizer of conference and Chair of the Costs of Intervention panel.
“Introducing MIP: A New Dataset on U.S. Interventions, 1776-2017,” August 2019. American Political Science Association (APSA), DC (with M. Duffy Toft).
Roundtable “Military Interventions: Historical Trends and Contemporary Challenges,” August 2019. American Political Science Association (APSA), DC.
Panelist, “Alliances & Alliance Politics,” March 2019. Special Session ISA Convention Toronto.
“The Intervention Project: A New Dataset on the Consequences of U.S. Military Interventions, 1776-2017,” March 2019. International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto, CAN (with M. Duffy Toft).
"Selective Humanitarians: How Region and Perception Drive Military Interventions in Domestic Crises," August 2018. American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, MA.
"Co-opting the Climate? The Power of Issue Framing and Environmental Policy,” April 2018. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL (with A. Badruzzaman).
"Ambivalent Effects of Corruption on Political and Economic Progress across Post-Communist Eastern Europe,” January 2017. Southern Political Science Association (SPSA), New Orleans, LA.
“Contending Narratives of Equality, Nationalism, and Religion: The Progression of Image Framing in Turkey’s Headscarf Debate,” July 2016. International Political Science Association (IPSA), Poznan, PL.
“Combating a Shared Menace: Terrorism as a Security and Social Threat in the Western Balkans and Beyond,” September 2015. Aspen Institute, Budva, ME.
“Making Modern Humanitarian Interventions: Interplay of Interests and Norms in the Kosovo Crisis,” April 2015. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL.
“Reviving the Russian Empire: A Rationalist Model of State Intervention,” November 2014. Northeastern Political Science Association (NPSA), Boston, MA (with Becker et al.)
“Effects of Cigarette Excise Tax on State Smoking Rates and Healthcare Cost,” January 2014. Southern Political Science Association (SPSA), New Orleans, LA.
“Divergent Perspectives on the Kosovo Crisis through a Realist Lens,” November 2013. Northeastern Political Science Association (NPSA), Philadelphia, PA.